CartoonsThe Latest GreatestWell, it's be great if I actually had some cartoons here, and if I get some up eventually, this'll be where they are. For now this page will just collect some of my ramblings on the subject of cartoons. Boring, I know. =) SummerThe high resolution cartoon characters I produced in the Spring weren't satisfied to remain solely digital, so off to CafePress they went. The angry-looking warrior dude on www.stick.org lost a little colour saturation in his translation to the real world, but nevertheless he looks great on a t-shirt. I've made shirts available to the mud crowd. A white toon cat I had printed on a ceramic tile looks really good. Nice smooth lines and bright, accurate colours. Several of my friends have seen my cat but I'm not ready to let it outside just yet. Recent reads: James by Mark Tonra, and Humongous Zits by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman. SpringCartooning continues to be the most interesting thing going on these days. In the last few weeks I've conducted some experiments on cartooning materials and processes. They've been very successful. Using pencils, pens, paper, vellum, a scanner, a printer, a Wacom tablet, Photoshop and a Mac, I think I've found a nice, repeatable process that I can use use to produce high resolution toons. That's the technical side. On the creative side I've done some more refined pictures of a couple of characters I sketched out a month or two ago, and revisited the angry-looking warrior dude on the Stick in the MUD main page. I hope to post an updated version of him later this month. The other characters, I'll just be showing them to friends and relatives for now. Recent reads: It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken by Seth, and Groovitude: a Get Fuzzy Treasury by Darby Conley. |
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